Thursday, 14 March 2013

Saying "because" and "so" in Korean: part 1, sentence order

Giving reasons / saying because and so in Korean is difficult for native speakers of English and other European languages for three reasons. The first one is that Korean people say things backwards!!!
When we give a reason for something in English, we start with the effect and then the cause

But in Korean, it's always the other way round

When you want to express any reason, causes, effects in Korean, you essentially have to turn everything upside down, and think backwards. Because your brain is so used to thinking one way, you have train it to think the other. Just try brushing your teeth with your left hand to see what I mean.

In order to practise, and I know it's weird, just say English sentences like one above with Korean sentence order. For example don't say "he's slow because he's fat" say "Becuase he's fat, he's slow". How do you change this one? "He's Korean because he has a Korean passport". Try doing this with as many things as you can think of.

Things are going to get a lot more complicated, so once you've got your head round how to say things backwards in English, continue on to the next bit Saying "because" or "so" with "-서/해서"

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